On Prem Servers on the Cloud Console

Connecting an On-Prem (or hosted elsewhere) server to the Ottomatic Cloud Console allows you to manage the server via OttoFMS, see its stats and more.

Before connecting a server, ensure that OttoFMS is installed. To connect a new On-Prem (or hosted elsewhere) server, click the "Add Server" button on the servers page. Ensure you have the correct organization selected (the server will be visible to all users in whichever org you add it on) and select the "Connect Existing" option to add an on-prem server.

After proceeding, you will be walked through a flow which will get your server url, verify that FMS and OttoFMS are installed, and will allow you to enter the server information. Once you've added the connection details, you're ready to manage your server in the cloud console!