Single Sign On

Getting Started with Single Sign On


Head to the SSO tab on the Ottomatic Cloud Console


Ensure that the organization you wish to create the realm for is selected at the top of the page


Click the "Add New Realm" button to start the New Realm Flow


Fill out the form that appears with a name for your realm, and an initial server to set up with the realm. More servers can be added later, and this server can be removed if you need to switch it out later.


After this you will be prompted to review the realm details and submit.


Once you've submitted your new realm it should take a minute or two to get spun up. After it finishes you should see it in the Cloud Console immediately, ready for use!

To use an Ottomatic SSO realm on your FileMaker solution, you'll need to set up your server and your solution to work with the realm.

For FileMaker version 21 and higher the Cloud Console can set up your server to use SSO using the FileMaker Admin API.

Go to Your Realm

To begin, head to the "FileMaker Server Configuration" tab of your realm.

Select a Server

Choose the server you would like to set up with your realm from the "Select from your Servers..." dropdown

Kick Off Setup

Servers running FMS version 21 or higher will have a window pop up that lets you know that you can set up the realm via the API. If the window does not pop up, double check your server's version, and refresh the server info on the Cloud Console to make sure it has the most recent version.

This window will check if your server already has custom OAuth settings set up.

To continue, click "Setup Custom OAuth".

All Done!

The Cloud Console should load for a second and then show you the confirmation below. If you have any issues, reach out for support.

Now that your server is set up, you can set up your files to use the new OAuth setup.

To use your Realm with your FileMaker Files, you'll need to set up External Authentication Groups in the file. It's recommended that you set up your Groups in the Groups tab on the Cloud Console before setting them up in your file, as the names have to match exactly. To set up your groups on your realm, check out the group management page.


External Auth Groups can be managed from File > Manage > Security

Then select "Custom OAuth" as the Authentication method.

Add Groups

For each Group you wish to add to your file, you'll need to:

  1. Add a new Group

  2. Define it as a Group

  3. Name the Group (Copy the name from the Cloud Console Groups tab)

  4. Choose a Privilege Set for the Group

Once you have all of your groups set up how you like, your file is ready to go!