Managing Cloud Storage

Ottomatic Cloud Storage works great with OttoFMS Offsite backups, but it can also be used with other S3 compatible tools and to store files yourself. We provide you with the information you need to work with your Cloud Storage in the Cloud Console

Your S3 storage connection credentials can be found in the three dot menu at the top right of the storage location card on the cloud storage tab of the Ottomatic Cloud Console.

This will give you the endpoint, client ID, and the Secret Access Key for your storage location, which can be used to add it to OttoFMS, to open in in an S3 browser, and to connect to it with other S3 tools.

We are working on an S3 browser for the Ottomatic Cloud Console, but until it is available you can use third party file browsers that support S3-compatible storage locations. Some examples of compatible browsers are:

  • Cyberduck: A graphical file manager for Windows and Mac. It supports S3, FTP, and many popular file-sharing services. Download it from

  • S3 Browser: A freeware Windows client for S3-compatible object storage. Download it from

  • Transmit: A MacOS File browser and manager. It supports FTP, SFTP, S3, and more. It costs $45, but is one of the better file transfer apps for Mac. You can here.

If you need to change bucket permissions, delete buckets, or do any of the more advanced S3 settings for buckets, you'll need to use a third party tool that can work with your S3 location. Some of the file browsers above offer limited tools beyond listing files, but there are command line tools which offer even more abilities:

  • s3cmd: A command line tool for Linux and Mac. Download it from

  • rclone: A command-line program to manage files on cloud storage. Available on all platforms which OttoFMS and FIleMaker support. Download it from (rclone is what OttoFMS uses to work with offsite locations, it is installed with OttoFMS).

Refer to the list below for compatibility between Ottomatic Cloud Storage and the S3 protocol. Compatibility may be further limited depending on the S3 tool used to access Object Storage. For download requests, the "Content-Length" header may not match the file size because files are gzip-compressed to improve performance. If this is causing issues for your automation system, you can disable gzip on requests.

  • Bucket ACLs (Get, Put): Yes

  • Bucket Access Logging: No

  • Bucket Inventory: No

  • Bucket Lifecycle: No

  • Bucket Location: Yes

  • Bucket Notification: No

  • Bucket Object Versions: Yes

  • Bucket Replication: No

  • Bucket Request Payment: Yes

  • Bucket Website: No

  • CORS: Yes

  • Copy Object: Yes

  • Create Bucket: Yes

  • Delete Bucket: Yes

  • Delete Object: Yes

  • Get Bucket Info (HEAD): Yes

  • Get Object: Yes

  • Get Object Info (HEAD): Yes

  • List Buckets: Yes

  • Multipart Uploads: Yes

  • Object ACLs (Get, Put): Yes

  • Object Metadata: Yes

  • Object Tagging: Yes

  • POST Object: Yes

  • Policy (Buckets, Objects): Yes

  • Pre-Signed URLs: Yes

  • Put Object: Yes

Ottomatic Cloud Storage is limited to 400 requests per second per IP address.

Files transferred to Ottomatic Cloud storage are Private by default. Some tools allow you to change permissions on specific files or buckets.