Cloud Storage

Using Cloud Storage with OttoFMS

OttoFMS has the ability to run offsite backups to S3-compatible cloud storage, and Ottomatic Cloud storage has especially simple setup for OttoFMS Offsites.

From the Cloud Console, you can use the menu on a bucket to "add" a bucket to a server, which sets that bucket as the location to back up your files to.

This will prompt you to choose a server and a remote path for the offsites. The remote path is the path in the bucket where offsites will be placed. Check out the OttoFMS docs for more details on the remote path. If you are using OttoFMS version 4.6.0 or later, this will create an offsite location called "otto-offsite". Earlier versions only have a single offsite location.

You can also choose to create a backup schedule with this, which will create a backup schedule called "OTTO_OFFSITE". When the backup schedule completes, the files that were backed up by it will be sent to the offsite. The schedule can be edited to back up any set of files to any location on the server, but you should not change the schedule name. The OttoFMS docs have more details on offsite schedules and what you can do with them.

More granular offsite management with OttoFMS 4.6.0 and later is coming soon to the Cloud Console.